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28:Lalu mu ga Batu

錄像/ 2021

video/ 2021


Keep that tenderness, that place that touches my heart, that is the force that pulls me.

我跟獵人弟說好每年固定一個時間,聚集家族的laqi kinbahan一起上來整整地,敬敬酒,和祖先說說話,讓他們知道我們沒有忘記家族的根,更沒有忘記在這塊土地上守護的靈魂。


Brother and I agreed to set a time every year to gather every single youth of the family climb up to the original place to tidy up the land, toast the drink and talk to the ancestors to let them know that we have not forgotten the roots of the family, let alone the souls guarding this land.

Mnwah Sami tehuk ngasal la

("we are home" in Atayal language)

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