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Family House (reproduction)
石頭、白色膠繩、現成物/ 2023 /依現場而定
stone, white plastic rope, ready-made objects / 2023 / Dimensions variable
The work "Family House" is a new work held in my solo exhibition in 2023 at the Ketagalan Cultural Center. It mainly pieced together the migration history of my families from the family's oral history and actual field investigations into the original place. I imagined what life was like there at that time, so I took the prototype woven with white rubber ropes above symbolizes the architectural style. I try to connect my families and I through the weaving of canvas (plastic products) between past and now.
這次於烏來泰雅博物館的製作雖為作品再製,但《家屋》在泰雅族歲時祭儀中扮演一個重要的精神象徵,因為傳統祭儀的參與者,都是qutux niqan(共食團體)的一員,來自同一個家族的成員,它代表著的團結與分享的意義;而特別以抽離展場黑色調性的白色膠繩進行製作,其一為了營造祭儀本身的儀式性之外,其二則是讓家屋本身,成為一種想像載體,去對應不同時期烏來祭儀流變的狀態。
Although the production at the Wulai Atayal Museum is a reproduction of the work, "Family House" , but it plays an important spiritual symbol in the Atayal annual ritual, because the participants in the traditional ritual are all qutux niqan (shared food groups) ), a member of the same family, it represents the meaning of unity and sharing; it is specially made with white rubber rope that takes away from the black tone of the exhibition, in order to create the ritual-ish of the ceremony itself. In addition, I make the house itself a carrier of imagination to correspond to the changing status of Wulai rituals in different time periods.
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