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Kapa計畫(Kapa Project) 


canvas, wood, ready-made objects, picture, video/ 2023  / Dimensions variable


"Kapa Project" starts from the public's daily experience of blue and white canvas. By "covering", I expand the entire museum into a creative hinterland, covering the third floor exhibition hall with canvas, like a large-scale art creation experimental site, hoping to guide the public to pay attention to this space and arouse the public's attention. For the connection behind the culture of indigenous peoples. At the same time, under the guidance of document display, the exhibition shared a story about visiting the original place "Laga tribe" with my younger family member. This work opened up the imagination of migration, paths and labor through creation.


介紹拉卡社 (introduction of Laga)

又稱「桶後社」,因部落附近有許多楓樹(泰雅語:laga),故稱之為「拉卡社」。部落形成於桶後溪沿岸山腹約500公尺處,先祖Takun Naway遷徙至此,由宜蘭溪頭遷入。
Also known as "Tonghou tribe", because there are many maple trees (in Atayal dialect: laga) near the tribe, it is called "Laga tribe". The tribe was formed about 500 meters into the mountain along Tonghou Creek. The ancestor Takun Naway migrated here from Xitou, Yilan.(the north-eastern part of Taiwan) 

Takun Naway有3個兒子,長男 Bunay Takun、次男Beho Takun、三男Batu Takun。Yukan為Batu Takun家族後代,舊社土地由家族成員繼承,但因日據時期殖民政策,族人被迫遷出,戰後土地仍有家族成員上山種植水果,但因時代變遷,目前已荒蕪無人居住。

Takun Naway has three sons, the eldest son Bunay Takun, the second son Beho Takun, and the third son Batu Takun. I am a descendant of the Batu Takun family. The land in Laga was inherited by family members. However, due to the colonial policy during the Japanese occupation, the tribesmen were forced to move out. After the world war 2, family members still went to the original place to plant fruits. However, due to the changes of the times, it is now deserted and uninhabited.


Through field research, the cultural relics on display in this area were actually excavated by the Laga. Not only did we discover the architectural remains of the old tribe, we also tried to piece together the historical memories of the family that once lived there.

找路 (Finding the path)


The wooden structure is used to create a maze-like path with the canvas mesh work that describes the experience of moving on the mountain. When hunters climb and walk in the mountains and forests, they always find their way forward in the dense jungle. "Finding the Road" takes "finding the road" as its theme, immersing the audience in a jungle state. This process of finding the way is also a metaphor for searching my long-lost cultural identity. Through this works, I expresses my life experiences along the way. Through exploration again and again, I'm not only looking for the origin of my family’s migration, but also finding out where I come from. Who am I? And in order to reflect the rumination of life and thinking about life.




家屋 (Family House)


It mainly pieced together the migration history of my families from the family's oral history and actual field investigations into the original place. I imagined what life was like there at that time, so I took the prototype woven with blue rubber ropes above symbolizes the architectural style. I try to connect my families and I through the weaving of canvas (plastic products) between past and now.
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