mix media, ready-made objects, video/ 2020/Dimensions variable

Batu, my dear brother
We are eight years apart in age, and we are both living in Wulai tribe in Taipei. This exhibition tend to discuss the "identity-shaping" of indigenous youth by sharing Batu's life experience. The entanglement and tension in this process hope to softly portray what I observe on the life experience and the situation of indigenous youth through artistic creation.
The image of indigenous is actually a "fragmented-like". Whether it is society's stereotypes of indigenous, their life style, or their cultural background, they are all based on a patchwork of fragmented information. Taking the word "indigenous people" as an example, it refers to the 16 officially recognized indigenous ethnic groups in Taiwan. However, the authentic indigenous ethnic groups actually include a more delicate and diverse cultural aspect. But the mainstream of Taiwan interpret in a way that is covered in a simplified and general way.
I actually want to talk about the "indigenous identity" that is comparing the interpretation from the mainstream society through this exhibition. The image of indigenous peoples is actually a "fragmented-like". The indigenous culture or indigenous art has been a long time shown as incomplete body, because it is always formed a "fuzzy image" by others.
Therefore, this exhibition divide the space into two parts by using the videos and installations, discussing the contrast between the image of indigenous people under the mainstream system and the indigenous culture that emphasizes the existence of subjectivity.